Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mmmmmm....Tastes Good!

Well, no one can say that I have not started to express myself verbally. I am now talking in two, three and sometimes four or more word sentences now. It seems like everyday I throw out a new word into the mix and Mom and Dad are amazed at my abilities and how much I understand about what is going on around me. Just the other day, I told my dad that something was "upside down", which if, you ask me, is a somewhat difficult concept and word to understand.
Each morning, it seems that it is a Peanut must to perform a verbal dump of the words that have built up in my little self overnight. If you greet me in the morning, be especially prepared for some intense conversation and catching up as we begin the day.
When out and about during the day, everytime I see a truck, I say something to the effect of "Man drive truck, big truck, keys, wheels, yellow truck" or when we are driving I like to say "Mom/Dad drive, keys, car". When passing by the cows, horses, sheep and donkeys that live on the road out from our house, I like to let everyone within earshot that cows, horses, etc. "eat grass" and I also like to point out if there are any baby moo moo's or neigh-neighs to be seen.
My most amusing remark, however, occurs when I eat some of my favorite foods, which these days is still JUST ABOUT ANYTHING that is edible; however, ice cream, vanilla wafers, blueberries, pears and grapes always seem to get this critic's "Mmmmm...tastes good" comment. I am so cute when I say this and it always seem to get a smile from mom and dad.

Check out the attached pics of me sitting at my very own Peanut sized table and chairs. Here I am eating with my spoon, which I might add, I have become very proficient at using. I am up to about a 90% hit rate on my mouth and I have also begun to use a fork with some precision.
Happy eating.

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