Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ride the BART-A, it will make you smarta!

In addition to my overall obsession with cars and trucks and airplanes, many of you know that I also love trains! As a special treat (I really know that they were just bored and didn't know what else to do) mom and dad took me for a very special train ride. At least I thought it was very special train ride - we rode on BART!!! Whew, what fun.
First of all, we parked the car in this huge parking lot in a virtual "sea" of cars. Mom says they are building a parking garage for those cars at the Dublin BART, so it was extra fun as there was construction all around as well (and you know how I feel about construction trucks in general, right?) After walking into the terminal, we had to purchase a special ticket at a machine and mom let me put in the ticket, help her add money and then push a button to get the ticket back. Next we got to use the ticket at this weird gate where you had to push a bar as you walked through. Next we walked up to the fabulous platform. From my many readings about Curious George at the train station, I knew not to stand too close to the edge - it was all very exciting to me. When the train arrived, the doors opened with a big hiss and we got in to choose our very own seats. Once the train started moving, I must have said over and over a million times, "Where is the train going?" I am sure this annoyed all the other passengers, but mom and dad thought it was very cute. The other highlight of the train trip was that I found some sticky gum in the window sill and asking about it occupied my 15 minute train trip back in the other direction.
What fun I had on the train! Even Baby J had fun and loved the train as much as I did. See the attached pictures of me and J having fun, a big smile from J and me and my favorite girl sitting in our train seat.
PS. Mom says to tell you that she knows that BART doesn't have the A after it, (see the title above), but the rapid transit system in Atlanta is called MARTA, so this was just one of her awkward attempts at humor:)

1 comment:

mfletcher1 said...

Did you guys ride from Dublin to Castro Valley or some other exciting stop? I also love trains, subways, street cars. When you get bigger we can have a great time riding around San Francisco on all sorts of moving things.


Ohio Grandpa