Thursday, March 15, 2007

Enter Sandman

My first experience in the sand box was not a pleasant one. I was about 11 months old and I immediately did a magnificent face plant right into the sand. Needless to say, sand was in my mouth, nose, eyes and anywhere else you can think of. To make things even worse, I was then quickly doused with a big bottle of water, etc. All in all, it was not a pleasant experience for the Peanut.

Recently, mom thought it was the right time to introduce me to the sand box for a second time. This time around, let me tell you, it is a whole new exciting adventure and I am having a blast. I am much more stable on my feet now, so I can easily walk in the sand, stay upright, retrieve my toys and play happily. Now, I just get sand in my hair, my pants and in my shoes. Much better outcome for all!

I like to take my trucks (imagine that) and my bucket and I happily share them with any other kids that are around. I have found that other kids aren't always as readily willing to share their toys, but I am good natured enough to just move on and find another kid who wants to play with me.

See the above pictures of me playing with another kid's truck at the park (it is a toddler rule that other kids toys are ALWAYS more interesting) and then another picture of me showing how happy and joyful I am while in the sand at the park.

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