Friday, March 2, 2007

The T-shirt says it all (well, if I leave it on)!

My new thing lately, is to try to take my clothes off. I have learned to take off my socks and think it is hilarious to do so. I pull from the very end of my toe until my sock is stretched as long as a tube sock. When the sock finally comes off my foot, it usually shoots over my head which is very funny. Sometimes when mom is cleaning up my room or downstairs, she finds a sock and says "How in the world did this get over here?". This is good for a second chuckle on my part:) Hey mom, do you think this could be a reason as to why some of my socks seem to just disappear these days?

As to taking off other articles of clothing, I am getting more proficient everyday. I wrangled my arms out of my shirt the other day and ran around the house like a monkey with no arms while beating on my belly. I have been working on my pants, but I haven't been successful as there are too many snaps and buttons. Fortunately, I haven't tried to disrobe in public yet and this generally seems to be an activity that occurs when I start to get bored, so don't worry yet Mom. I will wait for just the right public moment, when I am bored and want to be on my way to a new scene! I am certain this will get you moving on.

Speaking of clothes, see the above picture of me in my new "Peanut" T-shirt. Mom and dad couldn't resist getting this shirt for me when they happened upon it at the mall a few months ago (even though it was ridiculously priced). I am getting so big and tall, but still skinny these days - this is a Size 2 Toddler shirt. Mom had to roll up the sleeves a bit, but the rest of it fits just fine. Mom and Dad say that it is hard to believe that I am the same tiny baby that they nicknamed "Peanut" only 18 months ago.

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