Thursday, March 15, 2007

What gets your goat?

I know the names of a lot of animals and in particular I know how to say the sound that each makes. Whether we are talking neigh-neighs, moo-moos, baa-baas, oink-oinks, Hoot-hoots (that's for an owl), woof-woofs, or meow-meows, I have got it all down. Not wanting my advanced repertoire of animal sounds to go to waste, mom and dad thought it would be a good idea to take me to a park that has a little petting zoo. This would give me a chance to actually relate some of my animal sounds to the real thing vs. just seeing them in a picture.

At the park, I was able to pet some sheep and goats (and sit on a horse made out of stone). It was lots of fun and I was very brave. That is, until Daddy was feeding one of the goats and a piece of seed went in the goat's ear. The goat started shaking it's head all over and running about and I became a bit freaked out. After a cuddle from Mom and a peaceful look at the ducks, I composed myself and we went on with the day.

The other lesson I learned....the little brown pellets on the ground (otherwise known as goat poop) are not to be picked up or stepped on. Needless to say, we had to go wash our hands in the bathroom after our visit.

I also took my first carousel and train ride at the park so it was a big day for new adventures and experiences for the Peanut.

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