Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brotherly Love

I have recently decided that I REALLY, REALLY LOVE my little brother. I like to help Mom to take care of him whenever possible (translation - when there is not something else more interesting to do) and I am apparently really good at it as I get lots of praise for being helpful and sweet. Here are a few examples of how much I have grown to love the little guy:
Just last night, baby J was sitting in his chair and he was starting to cry as he was hungry. Mom was preparing his bottle, so I decided to see if I could console him. Mom says that my actions made her heart melt (that sounds like it hurts - sorry mom). Anyway, I proceeded to go over to Baby J and say "It's okay, little guy. Mommy is getting your milk". While saying this I was gently petting his head and speaking in a high sing song voice. Baby J stopped for a minute and smiled at me. Next, I found his Lullaby Glowworm and brought that over to him and turned it on so he could listen and coo at the Glowworm. I also got my favorite blanket "Choo, choo" and draped that over him to make sure he wasn't cold. Baby J just loves to watch me and I was able to keep him happy until Mom could feed him.
The other example of my undying love for my brother happened this past weekend. We have some friends that have an identical car seat for their baby as ours - a blue GRACO carseat. We were all getting into our cars (by the way, we also have the same car as they do which is really confusing at times). My friend's dad was putting their baby into their car (the blue GRACO carseat) and I proceeded to get very upset and yell in a really pitiful voice "Don't take my little brother!". Mom explained to me that it was their baby and baby J was just outside the car in his car seat and not to be upset. I was so relieved to see baby J get into our car - I thought he was a goner.
Just for laughs, see the really bad picture of mom and her two favorite little guys above. If you look closely at this picture you will notice that my right arm appears to have been amputated. No worries, I was just moving (as per usual). Mom was letting me hold baby J and it was a lot of fun. I have also been allowed to hold his bottle and help Mom feed him. He is a lucky little guy to have "moi" for his big brother. I guess I am a lucky little guy too! Later.

1 comment:

mfletcher1 said...

Wow! M is a good big brother. I guess Mom does not need any help with you around. Keep up the good work and give your brother a hug and kiss from me.


Ohio Grandpa