Friday, January 4, 2008

Baby Joshua Update

Baby Joshua had his two month checkup yesterday and he is doing great. Mom says that he received his first immunizations at this appt, which he was NOT happy about, but he seems to have recovered today and is his usual mellow self.
Apparently, he is going to be long and lean like me. The doctor said that that he is 96th percentile for height at 24 1/4 inches and 75% for weight at 12lbs and 9 oz. These are virtually identical to my stats at 2 months ( I was just slightly shorter, but a few ounces heavier).

He is a happy, healthy little guy and continues to look like his older, wiser and handsome big brother as a baby. He has already outgrown his 0-3 month clothes and is wearing the next size up. Mom has gone out and purchased him a few new outfits, but all in all, most of the stuff he wears is curiously and strangely familiar to me! Hmmmm! - I wonder why that is?

See the attached picture in which his CUTENESS will astound and amaze you. As you can see from the picture, Baby Josh loves to take baths just like me. Mom says that we can take baths together when he is a little older - I am really looking forward to that day.
Stay tuned for more updates on my trip to the airport and the zoo (yes, the zoo again)!


Anonymous said...

That is a really cute baby, Matthew and he does look like you and your daddy. Do I see brown eyes already?

Anonymous said...

OK, I admit it..our lives are boring next to husband and I are sitting in our living room in the Sacramento Delta on Sunday morning reading about your charming children -- came across you because of the ditching in the Bay with the Bonanza story. We are fellow Bonanza pilots, but I must say, your blog is charming and we've enjoyed the story.