Friday, June 15, 2007

Pretend play in Monterey!

On the second day of our Monterey visit, we went to the Children's museum. Now, I may only be a little Peanut with a short list of life experiences, but when someone says "Museum" to you I would imagine that your mind conjures up something more than a little room with a mess of old toys and other junk in it, am I correct? Needless to say, my family and I were a little bit disappointed with what we saw when we arrived, but troopers that we are, we proceeded to go with the flow, give it a chance and try to have some fun. And we did!
My absolute favorite activity at the "museum" was when I got to put on a fireman costume and "drive" the firetruck. I sat behind the wheel and said "Whoo - Whoo". I also occasionally made sure to step out to the side of the truck and check for oncoming traffic. I also enjoyed pretending to captain a boat which was supposed to be a replica of the SS bubba gump from that movie with Tom Hanks. After my boating adventures it was on to the make believe house under construction where I checked the doorbell over and over to ensure it would ring everytime the doorbell button was pushed....and it did much to EVERYONE'S amusement in the museum! I also had to check the plumbing in the house to ensure the sink worked and I would turn on the pretend faucet and make a "woosh-woosh" noise to pretend that the water was flowing properly.
All in all, it was fun, but after about an hour, we had explored it all and it was on to other things. See the attached pictures of my favorite activities and I will catch you later to tell you all of my fun adventures at the fabulous park that we discovered next.

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