Monday, June 18, 2007

Fearless is my middle name

The last fun thing that we did in Monterey was visit Dennis the Menace Park. What a great park it was! They had a real steam engine on the park grounds and you could climb into it and yell out the window and pretend you were traveling the rails. We also played on play structures with slides and ladders and I covered every inch of every structure around.
One of my very favorite activities at this park included this enormous, green wavy slide. You had to climb a very long set of stairs to get up there, but Dad helped me while mom gritted her teeth and tried to smile while standing at the bottom ready to call 911. The first time I slid down, Dad accompanied me, but the second time I came down all on my own. Whee! That is what you must say when flying down a slide of this magnitude. All that, and I even managed to hang on to my hat too.
My second favorite activity at the park was the suspension bridge. Mom and dad say I have no fear. I took off like a shot and would toddle back and forth all on my own with mom standing at one side and dad at the other. This bridge was really high up in the air, and yes, it did SWAY back and forth as one traveled across it. No matter...there was netting on either side so I couldn't fall below. On either side of the bridge, you could run down the hill and enter these tunnels beneath. I must have run across the bridge and through the tunnels about a million times (or at least that is what it must have seemed like to Mom and Dad).

Needless to say, we visited this park before naptime and Mom said it worked like a charm. Even this Peanut gets worn out from lots of fun and activity. I know that it's hard to believe, but I must admit it is true.
See attached pics of me running across the suspension bridge, sliding down the wavy slide and exploring the tunnels.


mfletcher1 said...


What was your favorite activity in Monterey? It really sounds like you had lots of fun.


Ohio Grandpa

Just the two of us! said...

All of these pictures look like so much fun! I can not wait until Syd gets old enough to run around!! ahhh hope you guys are hving a good week!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Matthew I did not think you could get any cuter but you seem to have done it.Tell your Mom hello for me and that we hope to see you in August.