Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A play date with a pretty girl!

I have a friend that I met through Gymboree and her name is Samantha. She is a cute little chick and she is a few months older than I am. Obviously, I like older women. We have such fun together and I love to see her and hang out and play.

Anyway, mom and I visited her and her mother at their new home. They used to live right here in San Ramon, but moved a bit further away just about month ago. We loved their new house and it was even more exciting as they were still unpacking things so there was a big room of boxes and other stuff to tempt my curiosity even more. They were also in the midst of landscaping their back yard, so there was all kinds of activity going on that I like to see including a man with a hammer and another with some plastic tubing installing the irrigation system.

Samantha and her mom are certainly "hip" when it comes to all the good toys. I discovered several items that were lots of fun to play with including an animal hospital that I absolutely loved. In fact, I liked it so much that mom went and bought one for me at Target. I love to feed the kitty and dog and give them shots and take their temperature. I also love to give shots to mom and dad, especially in their feet, for some unknown reason.
Samantha also had a tricycle, but one that had a really long handle on the back for mom to hold onto and steer for me. I am not supposed to know this, but one of those has been ordered for me as well. Watch out - I will be on the streets soon! My apologies to Samantha's mom for riding the tricycle all over her house, but I am sure she didn't mind.

A great time was had by all at our play date and the most exciting part of all was that Samantha and I got to share teddy grahams, goldfish crackers and milk at her "temporarily" indoor picnic table. Aren't we cute?

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