Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baby J update

Baby J is officially just a little over 4 months old now and he has really changed a lot over the last few months. He smiles and laughs all the time now and he has a VERY healthy set of lungs which he diligently uses to express his desire for food and more food. We are very similar in that we both have big appetites and mom and dad wonder where all the food goes that enters our mouths. Baby J is also very cuddly, which is a good thing, considering that we love to give each other hugs these days.

His stats from his 4 month check up are once again very similar to mine. He was 26 inches tall (85% percentile) and weighed in at 14lbs, 14oz (50% percentile). Mommy and I feel that he is actually taller than this as he is already too tall for some of the clothes I wore at his age, but who really knows. I was just a bit taller and a bit heavier at my 4 month checkup. I am sure it will all change again at his next check up.

Baby J has mastered rolling over now and is working on sitting up by himself. He is already sitting up pretty well with a little help from me or mom and dad, but if left on his own will slump down onto the floor:). Mommy says that I am a great little teacher and my next task is to continue to teach him how to sit up on his own.
I just love my little brother! See attached pics of what he is looking like these days. Also, attached is a picture of me practicing my baby care skills on my beloved horse, "Neigh-Neigh". I figure if I practice feeding my horse and perfect my skills then I can convince Mom to allow me to feed J all on my own one of these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matthew, you have a very cute baby brother! In fact, he looks a lot like you. We are eager for your visit so we can see how big and grown up you are and so we can meet your baby brother.