Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lessons Learned

One night, about a month ago, mom needed to put Baby J down a little earlier than normal as he had experienced a very tiring day. Mom said "Matthew, can you watch a Curious George show (a.k.a. 5 minute babysitter) while I take the baby upstairs and put him to sleep?" "Yes, mommy" I replied. "I will do that."

After I gave a kiss goodnight to Little J, mom took him upstairs to give him the rest of his bottle and to tuck him into bed. Poor mom, she thought all was well downstairs. Her fatal error was that she only asked me if I could watch George....she didn't explicitly tell me what NOT to do WHILE I was watching George.

The above picture was taken by mom to allow everyone to share in her horror at the site of my MASTERPIECE upon her return. I promptly explained to her that the couch pillows were arranged to be her and the pillow on the floor represented her foot and the pillow at the top was her head. I also thought it would be a great idea to COOK her up some treats, so I also took all the baking pans out of the kitchen and stacked those on top of the ottoman (a.k.a. the stove). I also took out some of my favorite toys and then lastly just plopped myself back down in front of it all to catch the end of George.
Creativity and imagination can take a lot of of a little guy, but at least mom was cool enough to congratulate me for these traits just before she told me that I had to help her clean it all up!
Mom's lesson learned: When you ask me if I can do something when you are away, you'd better also let me know what I am NOT allowed to do as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Creativity is good, Matthew!