Friday, February 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to Mom! Happy Birthday to Mom! Happy Birthday, dear mommy! Happy birthday to Mom! I should have posted this yesterday, but alas, we were very busy. So Happy Birthday wishes to mom, just one day late.
Mom has been creaking and moaning around the house the last few days, seemingly depressed about her big birthday. I even heard her answer the phone yesterday (her actual birthday) with "Old Age Home" when her friend called from Atlanta to wish her well. She obviously doesn't realize that I think she is the most fun, young and spry playmate EVER! She definitely doesn't act like the elderly person that she is.
See attached pictures of me wearing a festive birthday hat at my birthday party 5 months ago. I thought it would be perfect for this entry to the blog. Also, my mom has made me attach a second picture. She says to tell you that, HAD she had a cake with FORTY candles on it, then I would have had to don some shades, as I am attempting to do in the picture. She says this would have been necessary as the entire house would have been AGLOW or on FIRE!! (PS - Look at how much I have changed from just five months ago!)


mfletcher1 said...


I hope that you gave Mom a big hug and kiss on her birthday. It is a great thing that Mom's really love.

Mama H said...

Ellen, It's a good thing we have these baby blogs to keep one another apraised of our own birthdays! By "big birthday" I assume you're meaning 29. We wish you a very belated happy b-day. Love, H, J and F