Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What's your sign?

Although I can say some words now (see future post), I have to give thanks to my mom, dad and my super nanny (that was for you Laurie) for teaching me a few signs from a "Baby Signs" workshop. When they first started to teach me signs, I thought that the three of them had literally lost their minds, but now I understand that they are just trying to "show" me how to communicate my needs and associate words with concepts and objects.

You wouldn't think so, but busting out a few baby signs magically eases many well known toddler frustrations such as wanting or needing love, milk, juice, food or know, all the really important stuff in life. Research has shown that signing can prompt me to talk sooner and can help me to cry less as my frustration levels can be reduced. The other big payoff of signing is that it is lots of fun. Peanut fans simply go crazy everytime I do it and I get lots of applause accompanied by goofy, silly reactions.

I get A LOT of use out of just a few signs and I am really starting to learn and/or create more and more. Here are my A-list recommendations. My favorite sign is for "want" or "more". My mom would tell you that this is because I want more of everything and anything, which in reality is pretty much true. I can also sign for "fish" which is very useful when we are looking at a fish-tank (almost never), but is more often used when I want some of those little fish-shaped cheesy crackers. Mom is concerned over what is going to happen if I ever get my hands on a real fish. That poor fish is basically destined to become my first bite of sushi...hmmm.

I can also sign for "done", "bird", "milk", "where?", "see" and "hear". Mom is trying to teach me the sign for "hurt", "please" and "thank you" and "love" but we are still working on those.

Maybe you think you are not into using signs. I'll let you in on a little secret! You probably use signs everyday too. My all time favorites are using your finger to point at things and the ever popular wave of the hand to say "hello" or "goodbye". I use these daily and they are the ticket for getting an immediate reaction and the attention of all those who adore me:)

Mom has yet to catch me on film using a sign, but you will notice in the picture above (from this Halloween) that I am using signs to say "I am a crazy boy! You better not mess with me because I'll get you"!


Anne said...

Way to go Matthew! I want to see a picture of you signing! Can you help Mom oe dad with this?

Anne said...

Whoops, that was to have been Mom or Dad....not as smart as you I fear.