Sunday, January 14, 2007

I am the Stair-Master!

Good news for me, but bad news for mom and dad....I have become a very good climber. For a while now, I have been able to go UP the stairs all on my own. I am getting faster and faster and more sure of my every step, but Mom is still always close by. My newest skill, however, is that I can "scoot" DOWN the stairs all by myself too. It's actually very simple...I just sit down on one step, scoot myself to the edge and then drop my bottom down to the next step and repeat. Every once in a while, I get a little ahead of myself and try to take two at a time, but then I "tumble" back to reality and decide to go a little slower. I am so delighted about my mastery of the stairs, that I often stop mid-climb and give myself a big round of applause. Of course, between me and you, I'm really not doing it to give myself a pat on the back...the show is for see it adds a whole other level of cuteness to the situation.

Now that I have added the basics of going upstairs AND downstairs to my long list of Peanut accomplishments, I now often feel the need to add new levels of difficulty and challenge to the exercise; therefore, I often insist that I carry my sippy cup, my horse "Neigh-Neigh" or my blanket along with me for the climb. It slows my ascent and descent, but it increases the "burn" if you know what I mean:) Burn, baby burn!

Long story short, you should give it a try is an excellent exercise for toning up those buttocks and thighs (and your arms as well if you are as short as I am).

See you at the top (or the bottom)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can't believe you can go up
and down those stairs. Be
careful. Do you yell GU all the
time you are doing this?
Love you, GrandMa and GrandPa